Monday, 22 October 2012


It is the confession and not the priest, that gives us absolution.
Humans are addicts to the life they lead, always seeking a new ‘fix’, reading anything that they can grasp that appears to give them a new hope, or direction, but instead they are clutching at the straws of the bank as they slowly slip into the mire of life, instead of holding onto the roots of the tree that can save them.
Writers of these myriad of ‘self help’ and ‘enlightenment’ books and blogs have one thing in common, they are all deluded!
There is a certain maxim that applies, and that is: No man sees what things are, that knows not what they ought to be!
Humans perception of form, is entirely a matter of experience, nothing more.

What is enlightenment? It’s the phenomenon whereby the Universe's very existence is made known to an intelligent seeking soul.
What is Intelligence? It is the quickness to apprehend as distinct from ability, which is capacity to act wisely on the thing apprehended.
To judge well, to comprehend well, to reason well. These are the essential activities of intelligence.
What kind of humans accepted the Nazi ideology and took part in the holocaust?
What drives humans to be so certain about believing they are right and everybody else is wrong? And how can they be so fundamentalist about so many issues, and not be open to another way but theirs?
All the good of which humanity is capable of, is comprised in obedience, and
irrationally held truths that may be more harmful than reasoned errors.

The Warrior of Light

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