Monday, 29 October 2012
When this you see, remember me
and keep me in your mind
Let all the world say what it will
But speak of me as you find.
The Warrior of Light
Friday, 26 October 2012
Monday, 22 October 2012
It is the confession and not the priest, that gives us absolution.
Humans are addicts to the life they lead, always seeking
a new ‘fix’, reading anything that they can grasp that appears to give them a
new hope, or direction, but instead they are clutching at the straws of the
bank as they slowly slip into the mire of life, instead of holding onto the
roots of the tree that can save them.
Writers of these myriad of ‘self help’ and ‘enlightenment’
books and blogs have one thing in common, they are all deluded!
There is a certain maxim that applies, and that is: No
man sees what things are, that knows not what they ought to be!
Humans perception of form, is entirely a matter of experience,
nothing more.
What is enlightenment? It’s the phenomenon whereby the Universe's very existence is made known to an intelligent seeking soul.
What is enlightenment? It’s the phenomenon whereby the Universe's very existence is made known to an intelligent seeking soul.
What is Intelligence? It is the quickness to apprehend as
distinct from ability, which is capacity to act wisely on the thing
To judge well, to comprehend well, to reason well. These
are the essential activities of intelligence.
What kind of humans accepted the Nazi ideology and took
part in the holocaust?
What drives humans to be so certain about believing they
are right and everybody else is wrong? And how can they be so fundamentalist
about so many issues, and not be open to another way but theirs?
All the good of which humanity is capable of, is
comprised in obedience, and
irrationally held truths that may be more harmful than reasoned errors.
irrationally held truths that may be more harmful than reasoned errors.
Warrior of Light
Friday, 19 October 2012
Humans want miracles, to prove that what you
say is by Gods intention, but miracles are magic and illusion, created by man
for man. The facts are, that miracles happen every day, every week and every
year, and only if you can alter your own perception of what a miracle actually
is, you will begin to see them all around you.
What is perception?
Its about what you see, what you THINK you see and what you do with that information once you take it in.
Its about what you see, what you THINK you see and what you do with that information once you take it in.
Everyones experience in life has a different perception
of it, depending on how you view it and understand it. Every human will see it
and accept it differently, through the vision that they have developed, clear
glass or rose tinted, all are different in their perception.
perceptions of life as you see it, are the influence on what decisions you make
and everything that you do. By getting a clear and precise perception, with a
proper perspective on it, will surprise you when other things start to fall into
Situations are seen in a particular way by each of you, if you can
change how you see these things, then your life and that of others, will look
very different.
The Warrior of Light
Monday, 15 October 2012
The Warrior of Light - Toil
It may not be our lot to weild
the sickle in the ripened field
Nor ours to hear on summer eves
The reapers song among the sheaves.
Yet when our duties task is wrought,
in unison with The Creators thought,
The near and future blend as one,
and whatsoever is willed, is done.
And ours the grateful service wence
comes day by day, the recompense
The hope, the trust, the purpose stayed
the fountain and the noonday shade.
Were this life the utmost span
the only end and aim of man
better the toil of fields like these
than walking dreams and slothful ease
but life, though falling like our grain
like that revives and springs again
and early called, how blest are they
who wait with The Creator till harvest day.
The Warrior of Light
Saturday, 13 October 2012
The common mans task is the hardest.
The hero has the hero's aspiration that lifts him to his labours.
All great duties are easier than the little ones, though they cost far more in blood and agony.
The Warrior of Light
Monday, 8 October 2012
The Setup
The Creator
is the centre of The Universe, the hub of all creation. Everything that is, is
from The Creator, in all directions and in all ways. Everything that humans are
aware of, or have knowledge of, are a result of this.
The Creators
Universal law, is what governs ALL life on every planet, irrespective of the
degree of life, or of development of that planet. Where a newly formed life-form
has been created, it is the Universal duty of all other life-forms, to protect
that species and aid in its development, until it is able to control its own
survival needs. This applies to each planet as a whole. Where a species is more
intellectually developed than a newly created life on another Planet, it is
acceptable for that higher species to aid the developing life, but not to
interfere with its natural order of progression. In other words, an ‘Alien’
life-form that is highly developed and has learned the science of
interplanetary travel, can go to a developing planet, and aid the new species
if The Creator so desires it, in ways that would shorten the learning process
of that species, so as to reach a point of intelligence whereby that species
can then proceed at its own level and speed.
Each Planet
has a different level of advancement, depending on where they are in the
achievement of the higher intelligence. The most developed species are the
oldest in the history of Creation, and these beings are light driven and are
almost pure energy.
The degrees
of development in planets, depend on the distance and age of their creation.
Needless to say, the farthest out into the deepest regions of the Universe (way
beyond mans understanding), are the earliest created planets and life-forms,
these areas are governed by a realm of Angels that are self elected by the
beings of that region, but with the final approval of The Creator.
These planets
need no supervision, they are populated by energy and light forms with no
physical form.
Between there
and the Earth, are such varied species and planets, that a different Angel body
exists for each one, derived from the species of that individual planet, with
its own governing body of Angels and higher realms, that all are subject and
answerable to the highest body of Angels, Those that The Creator has chosen to
ensure the smooth running of the whole Universe.
These angels,
the highest under The Creator, are responsible for ALL life on every planet.
One Superior
Angel is chosen from each life-form in existence in the Universe, and sit in ‘judgement’
over all else.
Between The
Creator and these Superior Angels, are just three others. The ‘Me’ who is of The
Creator, is just that, and is an envoy to all planets, direct voice of The
Creator in times of need.
The other two are known only to The Creator and ‘Me’. They have dual purposes,
life and death. In that, it is meant that decisions The Creator makes, on
creating life or destroying it, or even destruction and creation of planets etc
lies with them alone to carry out.
There are
many Angel forms and levels, as is general practice, all angels are formed from
the species that exist on the planet to which the Angel council relates,
therefore Earth produces its own Angels, from souls that are chosen for their specific
Promotion up the ‘Angel ladder’ depends entirely on the development and skill of the angel in question.
Promotion up the ‘Angel ladder’ depends entirely on the development and skill of the angel in question.
All angels
have many tasks, not just one, but at the lowest level, they mainly connect
directly with humans who have developed the skill to adjust their minds to
receive these angelic connections and visions.
The main
method of connection, is energy driven, a Human who's energy and aura levels
are high and positive, can connect easily with the Angel, other times it can be
the Angel that induces the connection through urgent need.
The Warrior of Light
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
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