Thursday, 1 March 2012

Thought for the Day – The Divine take on ‘Problems’. It is hard for us in the Higher Realms to make ourselves known to you while you focus your attention on ‘problems’

Know this, all ‘problems’ pass with one resolution or another, you can be sure they will pass.  Your sadness is creating a barrier to all things – joy, laughter, divine interaction and pleasure in the simple things.  You are going to be fine, do not fear your loss of personal sunshine you will bounce back readily given an opportunity.  Create that opportunity for yourself so you can be all that you can and should be.  It is true life can be sad at times and we weep, it can be joyous and we delight in all the goodness.  But know that all things change so you can grow.  All things become the lessons you need to learn.  Think upon what lesson there is to learn in this ‘problem’ and you find will solace in the answer.

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